Don't forget to JAM ON jammers!!! I (may) see ya later! ;)

Saturday, March 14, 2020


Hello, the 4 people who have ever followed this blog. It’s been a while, huh? It’s been 2 years since I’ve touched this thing, let alone think about it. I don’t really know what to say or how to say it. I have recently found out about a new game called “” It looks interesting, so I’ll have to check it out when I have the time.

Anyways, I dropped by to say hello and see how you guys were doing. I might stay for a bit and chat with you. I might even log onto my old account and check it out.

I hope you have a nice day or night.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

IT'S DONE......

YAYY!!! I'm so happy. I've finally finished the new blog, the Animal Jam Origin (AJO)! Here's a link so you can explore the blog!!
Thank you guys so much for your support! Hope to see you there!!
Thank you all so much and jam on!!✌✌

Thursday, October 25, 2018


 So, I finally got into Animal Jam again.
After about what...
2-3 months?
I don't know. But after I made that edgy little post about "Oh I'm leaving blah blah blah..."
I've honestly kinda missed AJ. I've missed you guys too! I am so grateful to have such good friends in the community. You've been so kind.
So, after finally 3 months I've gotten into Animal Jam again.
Oh, and if you want to buddy me, I'm 100wolftales.
ALSO, I'm making another blog that is much more...
Planned. This blog was basically made all willy nilly out of my mind in a second.
Yeah, I never planned the name really.
BUT ANYWAY, I am making the new blog and will announce the link and the name when it's finished. 😁
So, anyway...
I'm back.👋

Sunday, September 9, 2018

I'm so sorry.
But I quit Animal Jam officially.
I just hope you understand.
You all were so kind to me, but I simply can't keep up with Animal Jam.
This blog will officially be dead, and I'm so sorry.
Every time I look at Animal Jam I feel miserable.
I get so bored even after the 1st minute online.
Its just old.
Too old.
I'm more interested in Undertale, horror games and Framecast.
Animal Jam was... well...
my jam for 7 years now.
I loved it ever so dearly since 2011. It was seriously "my jam."
But atlas, I retire.
This blog only lasted a few weeks, but it can be a friendly and fun blog.
I hope you can get a lot of popularity here to make what's on here booming with fun...
And sometimes I will use this as practice/help for html code for certain things like fumbling around in my Undertale save file, or if I ever end out in the actual game files to switch around pictures & stuff.
Please don't get sad.
I care about you guys but atlas, as a said, I retire.
You can always contact me on Framecast. @charathe~human
Thank you for understanding.
Hopefully, not for the last time...
Jam on.